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Getting Started


  1. onctl init on your project folder. This will create a .onctl directory and create files related to each cloud configuration. The directory will look like this.
    ❯ tree
    ├── aws.yaml
    ├── azure.yaml
    ├── hetzner.yaml
    ├── <cloud provider>.yaml
    └── onctl.yaml
    1 directory, 3 files
    1. onctl.yaml file is the main configuration file and holds the all non-cloud specific parameters.
    2. each provider has it's own configuration yaml file to define things specific things like (azure resourceGroups)
    3. change each configuration file depending on your needs.

set cloud provider

  1. set ONCTL_CLOUD environment variables to the name of the cloud provider. Supported values;
    • azure
    • hetzner
    • aws
  2. export ONCTL_CLOUD=hetzner


If you don't set ONCTL_CLOUD environment variable, onctl tool will try to find credentials on your shell and use the first one it finds.

spin up a virtual machine

  1. We're ready. Let's create a Virtual Machine (Instance)
    ❯ onctl up -n onctl-test
    Using: hetzner
    Creating SSHKey: onctl-xxx...
    SSH Key already exists (onctl-xxx)
    Starting server...
    Server IP: x.x.x.x
    Vm started.

ssh access

  1. Just use ssh command to ssh into the virtual machine.
    ❯ onctl ssh onctl-test
    Using: hetzner